[HanDreamnet News] Global IT Star Buyer Meeting – IAC(April/9~10, 2012)

한드림넷 2012. 4. 10. 16:18


IAC(Inventec Appliances Corporation) has three different model – IPDS, IODM and CM which was located in Taipei. They’re invited by Kotra and have a meeting HanDreamnet(April 9~10, 2012) for more discussion about IODM(Integrated Original Design Manufacturing). Had a very good business discussion for 50 minutes and agreed to find out right biz model with them.


Through the meeting, HanDreamnet felt that the ability of IAC in Taiwan has been proved and has also a value to co-work with them. IAC also said that HanDreamnet security solution at the access layer to protect internal resource from internal users is very fresh and brand new concept of security world.


The World 1st Securtiy Switch! - HanDreamnet


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