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HanDreamnet partnership with New4U in Singapore 본문


HanDreamnet partnership with New4U in Singapore

한드림넷 2014. 1. 10. 18:29

New4U System Pte. Ltd. found Y2000 in Singapore and started IT business especially for Korean Branch company and local business. In the beginning, they started network installation and commissioning service for the company but as time goes, they extended their business at the local market recently.


New4U founder, Mr. Song Yong Ho said that the partnership with HanDreamnet will be a new era of extending local business because it’s right time to promote security solution to the local market. He said that there’re so many government and enterprise company concerning security breach so he believed that the synergy with HanDreamnet can’t be imagined.


Jeomhak(James) Bae who leads global business in HanDreamnet mentioned that he wants to have a partnership with New4U since 2012 when he got introduced New4U from his colleague and finally made the business partnership with them in Y2014. With the synergy of New4U, James Bae is thinking that he’s going to make New4U as hub for East-Asia business in Y2014.


“They have a lot loyal client and have enough potential to extend business into the local market so the synergy with them will make a god result in very soon.” global sales leader, James Bae added.

       HanDreamnet : SG Security Switch & VIPM


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