[HanDreamnet News] HDN held "Shielding your Network" workshop in Mexico

한드림넷 2016. 4. 21. 09:16

Binary Trade, a reseller of Protektnet(HDN Distributor in Mexico), conducted "Shielding your Network" workshops in two different cities, Queretaro and Leon, offering the ideas of features and benefits of HDN products to 27 local resellers. The first workshop was held at NH Hotel in Queretaro on April 19th and the second was at Marriot Hotel in Leon on April 21st.


The workshop aimed to present various types of real time attacks on network and how to mitigate the network problems with HDN solution. Both workshops covered the most important features of HDN products to participants who make actual sales on the site. The benefits and real examples of how users could apply the products and solutions to their own networks were also presented.


12 resellers attended the first workshop and 15 resellers attended the second. We are taking this opportunity to introduce merits of our products and expecting to hear joyful news from Mexico.


HanDreamnet Intelligent SG Security Switch


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