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목록HanDreamnet Partner (4)
한드림넷 블로그 / Handreamnet Blog
케이디씨·한드림넷, 네트워크 보안 스위치 시장 ‘협공’ 네트워크 보안 스위치·솔루션 토털 제공·마케팅 강화 - 출처 : 데이터넷 / 강석오 기자 kang@datanet.co.kr - 날짜 : 2015-06-09- 기사원문보기: http://www.datanet.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=84885 케이디씨(대표 김동섭)는 네트워크 보안 스위치 전문기업 한드림넷(대표 서현원)과 골드 파트너 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 네트워크통합(NI), 시스템통합(SI) 서비스를 제공하는 케이디씨와 액세스부터 백본까지 네트워크 구간의 보안 스위치와 솔루션을 갖춘 한드림넷은 오랜 신뢰관계를 바탕으로 최고 협력사 관계를 의미하는 골드 파트너를 체결, 시장 확대를 위해 발전적인 파..
James Bae(Global Business Director of HDN) and Mr. Melegh János Gábor (CEO of Lasernetworks) signed a partner agreement on 28/April, 2015. HDN is the company who found on Y2000 and developed security switch since Y2007 is extending business area to Hungary and East Europe with help of Janos’s Market Leadership. Lasernetworks was formed in May 2007 as integration company, designing and installing..
Complus IT Service Co., Ltd. which was the first Thailand partner of HanDreamnet has planned a client workshop since September, 2013 and kept delaying it because of the tight schedule. Complus IT finally planned a full day solution workshop in November, 29th. In the morning, Mr. Nakhorn, CEO of Complus IT invited one guest from hacker group which is famous in Thailand and inform the risk of secu..
The company called RedSentry and HanDremanet met each other on May, 2012 and talked about business partnership and how to promote HanDreamnet Security Solution in Malaysia. RedSentry has IT Experience more than 13 years and they had a lot great success with different solution such as IPS, Firewall, Network switch etc. RedSentry studied HanDremanet Network Security solution and made a decision to..